Infrastructure Management
No matter the size of your infrastructure, physical or virtual Bluefoot has the experience and knowledge to assist or fully manage your infrastructure. Let us help.
Monitoring is an important part of keeping your infrastructure running smoothly. Preventing and or resolving small issue before they become large ones that can either take down and or cripple your infrastructure is vital to any business. Loss in productivity equals a loss in revenue. Let Bleufoot help you find the best monitoring solutions that fit your businesses unique needs.
Physical & Virtual Server Management
In today's diverse IT environments more and more companies have a mix of physical and or virtual systems. Managing them can be a challenging undertaking for any company. That is why Bleufoot offers custom management solutions for our clients. We leverage tools that allow us and our client to manage both physical and virtual resources at scale. Let us help you to keep your systems running smoothing.
Software Support
In today's business landscape all companies rely on a diverse range of application and software to meet their business needs. Managing and supporting these resources can be a challenge to any company. Be it installing, upgrade and resolving errors Bleufoot can help, let us take on the task of keeping the software you rely on working for you and not the other way around.
Cloud Support & Management
As more businesses become aware of and move to leveraging cloud resources, managing these resources can bring on new challenges. Some companies choose to move fully to the cloud or choose to interrogate their existing environments with cloud resources. Both approaches can bring a lot of benefits to your company, they can also bring new challenges when it comes to managing and securing them. Bleufoot can assist you or fully manage your cloud resources so you can focus on your business and its goals.
Software & Infrastructure Security
Keeping your data and systems safe is not only important it is vital. Data breaches are becoming a common things and not just for the large corporations. Businesses small to large are targeted. Bleufoot is here to help with this, we will work to keep your systems and software safe from attack. We leverage top rated Antivirus, Spyware and Ransomware tools as well as teaching our clients about and how to avoid these threats so your infrastructure and software remain safe. Let us help protect your business and resources.
Backup & Recovery Strategies
Often times backup and recovery strategies are an after thought. It's only seen as important when it's to late. Don't let your data and systems fall victim. Bleufoot can help by creating and providing custom Backup and Recovery solutions that will keep your data and systems safe from the many threats that exist in today's ever changing IT landscape.